Business Card App


Open the app, and
swap cards in an instant

Easily share your digital business card with anyone via QR code.

Eight users can exchange business cards with one touch by simply holding their smartphones near each other.

* "QR code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
swap cards in an instant

Take a photo and easily
manage and search cards

Take a shot of the card and enjoy the fast and accurate digitization that our advanced technology provides.

Search stored contacts by person, company, department, or position so that you can quickly find what you need.

Quickly find the contact info

Updates on career moves,
like promotions &
job changes

When you connect using Eight, you’ll be notified when a contact changes their card because of a career move.

You can also message those in your contact network to keep in touch and build your relationships.

Updates on career moves
Eight Premium

Eight Premium

Eight Premium (600 yen/month or 6,000 yen/year) offers advanced features that make managing your network even easier.
Digitize all items on both card sides
Digitize all items on both card sides
Download business card information
Download business card information
Find common connections
Find common
Integrate with your contact list
Integrate with your contact list
...and many more useful features

Download Eight for FREE

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Eight – Business card app